Thursday, 26 April 2018

Apple juice recipe in Hindi

Apple juice recipe in Hindi

Preparation time - Almost same as video length.



2-3 people



Apple / સફરજન/ सेब sugar/ ખાંડ/ चीनी water/ પાણી/ पानी --------------------------

Products in this video:


Shop Cookware, Gas stoves, Kitchen Storage & Containers, Kitchen tools, Tableware, Bakeware and more using following link. Which help us to raise money to run this channel.


Tools use to record and edit this video:

Samsung Galaxy S6

Nikon D5100 DSLR

gopro hero 5 -

sony tripod vct-r100 -

Vanguard Aluminium Tripod Espod CX 203 AGH With PISTOL GRIP BALL HEAD -


camtasia studio 8

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6


Social media:

Twitter -
Facebook -


CAUTION: PLEASE DON'T watch this video using earphones because we have not edited audios of pressure cooker whistle and other noises.


Open Source Video Education Workshop

Arabic: وصفة عصير التفاح
Azerbaijani: alma suyu resepti
Belarusian: рэцэпт яблычнага соку
Bulgarian: рецепта за ябълков сок
Bengali: আপেলের রস রেসিপি
Catalan: Recepta de suc de poma
Czech: recept na jablečnou šťávu
Danish: æblejuice opskrift
German: Apfelsaft Rezept
Greek: συνταγή χυμού μήλου
English: apple juice recipe
Spanish: receta de jugo de manzana
Finnish: omenamehu resepti
French: recette de jus de pomme
Irish: oideas sú úll
Gujarati: સફરજનનો રસ રેસીપી
Hindi: सेब का रस नुस्खा
Hungarian: almalé recept
Armenian: խնձորի հյութի բաղադրատոմսը
Indonesian: resep jus apel
Icelandic: uppskrift eplasafa
Italian: ricetta del succo di mela
Hebrew: מתכון מיץ תפוחים
Japanese: リンゴジュースのレシピ
Georgian: ვაშლის წვენის რეცეპტი
Kannada: ಸೇಬು ರಸ ಪಾಕವಿಧಾನ
Korean: 사과 주스 레시피
Latin: apple juice recipe
Latvian: ābolu sulas recepte
Marathi: सफरचंद रस पाककृती
Malay: resipi jus epal
Nepali: स्याउ को रस नुस्खा
Dutch: appelsap recept
Norwegian: eplejuiceoppskrift
Punjabi: ਸੇਬ ਦਾ ਜੂਸ ਵਿਅੰਜਨ
Polish: przepis na sok jabłkowy
Portuguese: receita de suco de maçã
Romanian: reteta de suc de mere
Russian: рецепт яблочного сока
Sinhala: ඇපල් යුෂ වට්ටෝරුව
Slovak: recept na jablkovú šťavu
Slovenian: recept za jabolčni sok
Serbian: рецепт за сок од јабуке
Swedish: äppeljuice recept
Tamil: ஆப்பிள் ஜூஸ் செய்முறை
Telugu: ఆపిల్ జ్యూస్ రెసిపీ
Thai: สูตรน้ำแอปเปิ้ล
Filipino: recipe ng juice ng mansanas
Turkish: elma suyu tarifi
Ukrainian: рецепт яблучного соку
Urdu: سیب کا رس نسخہ
Vietnamese: công thức nước táo